Saturday, April 24, 2010

Segway can adjusted into a sport ?

The Segway can be adapted into a Polo sport. The original polo players used to ride a horses, but now they have Segway, so they can use Segway to be their vehicle in Polo. The rules of Polo is still the same. That is to move a ball to competitor's goal to make a score. The Segway can check the movement of its driver in every second, so it is very responsive to the driver. I think to used Segway is safer than to ride a horse. A horse have a feeling, but Segway is not. A horse can throw away the rider and injured them, but Segway still can not. May be in the future this Segway will replace a horse. You can follow this link to watch a clip of Polo Segway.

1 comment:

  1. Well done! A really good entry. You gave good reasons for your opinions .... well done! I also liked the fact that you added a link for me to see. Keep up the good work.
