Sunday, August 22, 2010

Long bus routes will be cancel ?

Let’s talk about the long bus routes in Singapore that have some problem because some of bus routes could be cancelled in the future.

Long bus routes are here to stay, Second Minister for Transport Lim Hwee Hua confirmed yesterday. That is because these services provide "comprehensive connections to all parts of Singapore", especially those that the MRT does not reach. She was responded to Non-Constituency MP Sylvia Lim, who sought clarification over the Government's announcement that some longer bus routes would be discontinued. Mrs. Lim explained the possibility of splitting some of the long bus routes during LTA's public consultations where some residents felt these services were more sensitive to delays caused by poor traffic conditions. Said Mrs. Lim: "The option of splitting long bus routes will be studied together with other proposals, and it will only be considered when it is sensible to do so."The LTA will check factors such as available travel alternatives; overall journey times; fare implications; and the special needs of the elderly and the disabled.

In my opinion, I think it is necessary to cancelled some of long bus routes that are not useful and it will decrease the country’s expenses for refuel for the buses. On the other hand, if the government discontinued the long bus routes. People that used to travel by these buses will complain about why the government discontinued it. After that, it will have a lot of question that Singapore’s government has to answer. For the example, How can we travel if these buses are no longer available for us anymore, if I used it in a daily routine, how can I go to work?

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